Wellness • MedicalThe Flat Foot What’s your foot type? The “Foot Type” series continues. If you read the first post illustrating the characteristics of the “high...
Wellness • MedicalThe High Arch Foot First on our list is “Severe Pes Cavus”; sounds scary and can be, if things go bad. “Pes” is a Latin term for “foot” and “Cavus”,...
WellnessCould your ankle, knee, hip or back PAIN be coming from your feet? I have dispensed a lot of custom orthotics over the years and am amazed at the wide ranging results patients report. People who...
WellnessI have not met a symmetrical human yet Have you ever noticed that some people stand up straight and others do not? Have you ever noticed that some people walk and move...
Wellness • MedicalWhat's your foot type? What’s your foot type and why should you care? We are all born with attributes and short comings. Some people are too tall, some...